London-based fuzzers Elephant Tree may have crafted my favorite album of 2016 !
(for now...)
Indeed, I have been blasting this album into my ears countless times since I received it. For me it's all to do with the unique atmosphere emerging from all these tunes. To give you an idea, I think you can compare their atmosphere to Mars Red Sky one.
And unsurprisingly, Mars Red Sky & Elephant Tree will soon tour together in the UK, be there or be square !

To get back on Elephant Tree Selftitled, don't take me wrong, Elephant Tree is not another copycat band. They really have their unique sound. They're melting perfectly the heaviness of a huge wall of fuzz, with some atmospheric melodies as much as in the music itself and in the vocals harmonies.
And this is particularly well illustrated in today's track, "Aphotic Blues", I have the pleasure to host exclusively on More Fuzz.
The song starts with a crushing fuzzy riff that will get you move your head instantly, you know, that typical "stonerhead headbang" 😉 Soon after that, Jack fabulous airy vocals come in, accompanied by Pete & Riley on the harmonies. The lightness of those vocals combined with this heaviness really creates this unique atmosphere I was talking about. And it is SO DAMN GOOD !
But wait ! It's not over, the best part of the song is coming ! Near the middle of the song everything stops except a distant and dirty fuzz guitar chord played repeatedly for 1 long minute, letting you in a fuzziness moment, wondering what's about to come... And suddenly, BAM ! Sam (drums) & Pete (bass) join Jack to blast a wicked sick dose of FUZZ right into your face ! Forcing you to come out instantly of your quiet state of mind, and rather go into a "fury-mode", headbanging like you never did before ! I'm dying to experience this during a concert of them, so much energy in such a short period of time 🙂
Now I hope I made you interested in listening to that song, so here it is, press play just below, and make yourself a favor, head over to the Magnetic Eye Records Bandcamp page to pre-order the gorgeous colored
Keep Fuzzin' my dear fuzzers,
Mr. Fuzz
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