Hey there Mrs. Dopey here to give you a report from the concerts organized by Behind The Black Door (= BTBD).
I’ve been living in this sleepy student-town Passau, Germany for almost one year. And I thought the fuzzy scene there is dead. No concerts or festivals I knew. I slowly but surely came to terms with my situation. But then, out of nothing, an event popped up, called Behind The Black Door. And it hosts fuzzy, psychedelic and bluesy stoner rock bands just around my corner.
I can tell you: it exceeded all my expectations.
Let’s go!
Pictures by KEKS Fotografien
Concert I: Timestone, Cone and Mother Engine – Camera Passau, Germany – 01/12/17
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Timestone got the major honor to open this amazing concert-row BTBD. Well done! I have to admit I did not know the trio from Linz (Austria) before. However I was hella surprised from their music. Timestone, founded in 2013, gave a nice live performance and fired up the audience. Their music has so many facets – from blues, stoner, doom, progressive and psychedelic rock you could find almost every genre. The transitions were great so the overall picture was, too.
Oh and there was a beautiful and trippy light show produced live with an overhead projector. Props to the guy who did that!
Website – Facebook – Youtube – Instagram

Cone made this possible. They actually organize the BTBD-concerts. I hope thousands of other gigs and maybe a summer-festival will follow… They describe themselves best: rock music with stoner / blues rock influences from Passau, lower Bavaria. Hell yeah – they really delivered live. After releasing their debut (you can listen to it on their website) they are working on their second tale that is devoted to the well-known mystical figure Morgana. They already released the song “Steps Towards The Sun” with a sweet video, check it out below.
Mother Engine

I really love those dudes. The first time I saw them was 2013 at KeepItLow Festival in Munich, one year after they released Muttermaschine – five years and two more albums later (Absturz and Hangar) and I still dig their music. They only played their newest instrumental record, Hangar, live this evening. One the one hand it was good, you could listen to the fresh tracks and really get into it. On the other hand it was a bit sad, because they did not play their other awesome tracks. But I can live with that, they couldn’t have played the whole night. Even though I guess nobody except the police would have had a problem with this. Anyway! Like Mr. Fuzz said, I advise you to read the story of the recording from Hangar on their Bandcamp-page.
What a beautiful evening it was! Thanks a lot to the bands, particularly the dudes from Cone and all the visitors who made this possible. Also a big cheers to the guys from Lügenpresse who allowed me to share their nice video from this evening.
Concert II: Steak, The Atomic Bitchwax and Greenleaf – Camera Passau, Germany – 09/12/17
It didn’t take long, to be exact eight days, till the next gig in the Camera, Passau took place. This time with Steak from England, The Atomic Bitchwax from New Jersey and Greenleaf from Sweden.
Normally this event would have taken place in Linz on this Saturday, but indeed it happened in Passau – lucky we were! So the bands came the long way to the river-town. This sudden switch in venue happened just 3 days before the gig. Wow! The promotion ran at high revs and a lot of people, around 200, found their way to the Cam – no surprise with that line-up, if you ask me.
Those guys are from London and got a lot of rock in their baggage: stoner, desert and fuzz. The merch absolutely stands out from the usual stuff you can buy. The fact that they sell comics made my nerd-heart freak out. They got their own fucking comics, how cool is this?! Their performance was so heavy, dammit. If you are about to order their comic you should put all albums and the Split 7’’ with Greenleaf in your shopping basket as well. This is not too much. Frankly you can only buy the split and the comic, nice t-shirts, because the rest is already sold out. Whatever!
The Atomic Bitchwax
Website – Facebook – Instagram – Bandcamp
I still can’t believe I saw one of the longest existing and most-known stoner-rock bands. The set they played was well done, mixing songs from every time span, including their new record Force Field. I remember Chris Kosnik, bassist and singer saying: ‘This is the song I like to play the most live. Here is fourty-five!’ No way man, the band was on fire and so was the crowd, everyone livd a little – it was alright.
Greenleaf were sick! I already saw them live about one year ago with Fetso Jetson and again I was not disappointed by them. It was quite funny, because the singer Arvid drew my attention on something I did not realize until then. ‘I’ve never had the pleasure to play in a bar with that many pipes’, he said and continued: ‘What a lucky accidence.’ [concerning the shift of the concert from Linz to Passau] This man is so right. There are pipes in the Camera literally everywhere. I should probably sharpen my gaze. So I don’t miss the next events from BTBD. All in all Greenleaf ended this evening perfectly.
If you live in the area follow Behind The Black Door on Facebook to stay tuned!
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